Hi there,
I did some research on Google about things that can make you fall asleep and I would like to share them with you.
The things that always make me fall asleep are ASMR videos as many of you might know. If I can’t sleep after that I always play a simple game on my I pod till my eyes are heavy enough to fall asleep. If that still doesn’t work I simply get up , grab a piece of paper and start writing to clear my mind. Those are my top 3 things that I do when I can’t sleep sleep.
It’s nice to know that that works for me but what I was curious about is, what works for others? This is what I found:
- Put some quiet music on.
- Clear your mind and let your thoughts wander aimlessly.
- Read something that you like.
- Drink a cup of tea.
- Drink warm milk
- Take sleeping pills if you have chronicle problems.
- Block out all light and sound.
- Curl your toes!
- Create a ritual that you ONLY do before sleeping.
- Listening to hypnosis pot cast.
- Listen to a fan/white noise.
- Keep your bedroom cool.
- Spray lavender oil on your sheets.
Some of these things really surprised me and I’m not sure if all of them work but these are interesting results I think 🙂 What i would like to know is what do you do when you can’t sleep? What is your top 3? Write them down below!