Hello Everyone!!!
It’s been a while since I wrote an article but today I finally had some time to write something that I really want to share with you. I love all of you and thank you for your ongoing support and love on different media outlets.
I’ve been pretty stressed lately and sometimes I tend to forget how fortunate I am and that I don’t need to stress and think about so many thing. Eventually everything will be okay but sometimes I really have to help myself a little by reading, talking and well thinking (just a little 😉 about my situation. Sometimes you have to just sit down, relax and think about all the thing that go well in your life and things that you’re happy and grateful about. Talking with others about it can help you, being on your own and relax can help you or maybe you want to write it down. Whatever it is that you need to do to turn your day around into something positive….. GO DO IT 😀
It always helps me to think about it and to read positive and happy quotes on the internet. Sometimes when I think about my own situation and how fortunate I am (and what I struggle with) I come up with quotes myself that really help me to get into that positive state of mind again.
Today I wanted to share a few of these quotes with you because maybe they make you feel good or at least a little better again as well. Much love to all of you and have a happy time reading them!
1. “We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives.. Some lessons are painful, some are painless.. but, all are priceless”
2. “Just remember that there is someone out there that is more than happy with less than what you have”
3. “Don’t let people who judge you without knowing what they’re really talking about influence you. They don’t have a foundation for saying it so their opinion does’t need to become your foundation either.”
4. “When the past calls, just let it go to voice mail…. Believe me it has nothing new to say to you.”
5. “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, it means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
ت Have a great day! ت